Saturday, April 4, 2009

a little green

I love, love Mrs. Meyer's "Clean Day" hand soap for the kitchen. My fav scent is Basil. It says it offers an aromatherapeutic (big girl word) scent - to revive the senses. I just think it smells yummy. All of their household cleaners have cute labels and colors on their packaging. That's what first attracted me to it.

I have been drinking green tea for the past year. I especially enjoy it iced. I brew a pitcher of it (using 5 bags) and put it in the fridge. I've tried lots of different brands. My fav is Celestial Seasonings with the Antioxidant Supplement. I understand why it's my fav as it was my Mom's too. She always had a cup of hot herbal tea in the evenings. Green tea has so many wonderful benefits.

I made cupcakes for my sweet 1st - 3rd grade Sunday School class tomorrow morning. Since Easter is next week (already!) I thought I'd decorate our classroom a little bit and bring them some goodies. Of course I made enough to have extra for the family. I left one out for our oldest son, Brandon (aka "B"). I like to have a treat for him to come home to - he works the night shift at Shakey's Pizza. He's the fry cook - makes all that delicious fried chicken and mojo potatoes! His fav color is out came the green sprinkles.

Pic of the Day - Emma Joy at our friend's baseball game this morning. She had so much fun. She cracks me up! Last night she asked me "Mama? Does Jesus live in Mexico?" Out of the mouths of babes.