Friday, March 27, 2009

brownies and a 4-year old

The mind of a 4-year old. My dear mentor friend came by for dinner and some chat time. She brought with her some samples of her latest creation - Samoa Girl Scout Cookie Brownies. Can I just say YUM! She outdid herself this time. Chocolate, caramel, coconut...oh my stars, so good.

Enter in...Emma Joy...from her play date with her girlfriend next door. Our convo went something like this.
Mama - "Emma, how was your play time?"
Emma - "Fun. Mama, can I have a brownie (as she stares at the plate)?"
Mama - "After you eat dinner."
Emma - "Oh, I ate at Cierra's house."
Mama - "Really...what did you have?"
Emma - "I had a hot dog and peaches."
Mama - before I spoke, I thought hmmm...Cierra's mom always calls me first if Emma is invited to join them for a meal. But Emma was so convincing - and those big brown eyes. "Yes, you may have a brownie."
Emma - "Thanks Mama!"

Some time had passed when I began probing a little more about the supposed dinner she had with her little friend. The menu suddenly got quite long and no longer convincing. Come to find out she fibbed. She didn't have hot dogs and peaches with them. The moment she came in and saw that plate of yummy brownies she came up with a story - wait until after dinner - no way! And how does a Mama discipline her after she's already had dessert?

Lesson learned.

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